Mental health promotion in students from Nátaga and La Plata, Huila

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Adriana Carolina Villada Ramírez
Ángela Rocío Galindo Torres
Laura Alejandra Velásquez Sandoval
Laura Lizeth Ramírez Rivera
Laura Valentina Cáceres
María Paula Castillo Medina


This project was proposed to strengthen the self-esteem of 80 students between 15-19 years old of both sexes who were in eleventh grade in two institutions in the municipalities of La Plata and Nátaga, Huila, with the purpose of promoting their mental health, which will be reflected in good academic performance. Therefore, its development had two phases; Firstly, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale was applied to measure the level of self-esteem of the students, relating it to their academic performance. Secondly, an intervention plan was carried out within the framework of the promotion of mental health, which had process and result indicators guaranteeing the evaluation and monitoring process, said plan included the following activities: “Psychoeducation workshops for teachers and parents, dynamics of solidarity acts, role-playing, games on emotional competencies such as a gratitude diary - self-portraits and dynamic recreational activity called Gymkhana.”

During the period of two months, after the implementation of the intervention program, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale was applied for the second time with the purpose of analyzing the results using the Jamovi application, through which it was found that the Self-esteem is significantly related to adequate academic performance and decision making, therefore, it was interpreted as a protective factor to avoid risky behaviors and as a risk factor when it is weak or absent.

The development of the project was carried out using a mixed methodology, with which the students who supported the execution of the project developed skills for the construction, application and analysis of quantitative and qualitative instruments that allowed them to get closer to the knowledge of the phenomenon in order to intervene.


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