Expressions of identity in social interventions in the fields of professional practices
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The training process in the area of Social Work through the fields of professional practices deploys an exercise of construction of a collective identity, where students through an intervention to a specific social reality define a method of intervention in a case, group, family or community and generate a personal, institutional or social impact. That is, the consolidation, fragmentation or revitalization of identity is built in an articulated exercise in the institutional, educational and personal level. Then, the identity process is related to a self-reflection exercise, which is generated not only from the individual but also from the social level, by conceiving identity as a sense of sameness and continuity that a student experiences in a field of practice. Therefore, it could be said that the identity process of students are their expressions regarding Social Work and the predominant desire to transform realities, generate changes or improve the quality of life of certain population groups based on individual knowledge and the intervention tools that each field of professional practice facilitates.
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