Análisis de riesgo biomecánico en cargos de auxiliares de bodega

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Álvaro Hernando Moreno
Diana Carolina Montealegre Rodríguez


Abstract This article is the result of a research project analyzing the biomechanical risk factors that can significantly affect the life quality of workers, as well as absenteeism from work due to traumas and osteomuscular injuries negatively affect the productivity of the company and increases economic costs. The private company Inversiones Otelo with operation in the municipality of Anapoima (Cundinamarca) has developed the pre-occupational medical evaluation of its workers that report absence of ailments related to the biomechanical risk factor. However, the professional responsible for the SG-SST of the company, identifies biomechanical risk factors that qualitatively assess at moderate risk. Therefore, the need to adopt a strategy of occupational prevention and surveillance for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries is posed, which allows characterizing the different risk factors associated with the manual handling of burdens, with possible negative impacts on health. For the prevention of these ailments, it is proposed to design and implement an occupational surveillance system for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.


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