Art and violence: the representation of damage as a way of rebuilding a new society

Main Article Content

Giovanny Moisés Pinzón Perilla


This article wants to explore the relationship between art and violence, identifying art as a fact of human life, which can be used to build the improvement of living conditions. Art allows the representation of subjective introspection, which is revealed to others through different aesthetic experiences. This article proposes to build a sensitivity that allows recognizing the damage caused by violence to victims as a form of restoring their right to justice in an atmosphere of nonviolence. Initially, this paper develops the idea of a new form of society in which the benefit of its members is a top priority with an environment conducive to the development of freedom.Additionally, this article presents the idea of the sublime experience as the possibility of realization of the subjective expression. Finally, this document takes a closer look at Colombian art works that are part of the concept of violence, highlighting the importance they play in the context of building a new social culture of nonviolence.

Author Biography

Giovanny Moisés Pinzón Perilla, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Profesional en filosofía, licenciado en filosofía, especialista en bioética, candidato a magister en filosofía. Se ha desempeñado como docente de la licenciatura en filosofía, del programa de trabajo social y como Director de la especialización en ética de Uniminuto. Actualmente me desempeño como docente de la UPN.