Social imaginaries of tourists in the ruins of Armero – Tolima

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Laura del Pilar Dominiccini Reyes
Jorge Alexander Mora
Luis Mauricio Bohorquez Patiño


Armero is a municipality located in the department of Tolima, Colombia, framed in the tragedy of the disaster that occurred on November 13, 1985. Hence, the development of this research focuses on inquiring why the tourist chooses to visit the municipality and his thoughts about dark tourism. The objective is to analyze the social imaginaries and the perception of the tourist, in a place mourned by events that triggered more than twenty-five thousand deaths. For this purpose, surveys were applied to 49 people who have visited the ruins of Armero, showing the interest of the participants in the places where dark tourism is practiced. As well as the feelings that the place produces, generating empathy with the locals. Finally, it was concluded that dark tourism in Armero can be a window to enter the practice with elements of sustainability and ethics to promote the memory of the territory.


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