Main features that have given new meaning to human education in a complex framework
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Facts that have resignified human education, in its main features from its origins to the third millennium as proof of a complex framework, perhaps it shows if humanity has evolved or not and if education could be resignified by it, without losing sight of it. given that there are studies in this regard, which go so far as to propose pedagogical reforms, teaching-learning strategies or attempt to describe the function of education. With a non-experimental design applied longitudinally of a historical type, it is about understanding the magnitude of what has been the redefinition of education in the past, relating them to the present and supposed future. With a constructivist epistemological basis, analytical method and mixed approach, a journey is presented in various contexts of philosophical reflections, economic, social and cultural power games with science and art participating in a fragmented way highlighting: Prehistory, Antiquity, Ancient Age, Middle Ages, Modernity and Contemporaneity. Pedagogical research works are detected that aim to recognize the complexity of education, propose inclusive pedagogies and environmental sustainability, only that it is not enough, something more is required, taking into account that it is an evolutionary process, which requires be resignified and becomes, through the recognition of the complexity of the learner, the mediator and the environment that permeates it, an originator of new positive ideas in the face of the various problems that overwhelm the educational system and the human condition. Resignify education from the frontier sciences, taking into account the complexity of the learner[1], the mediator[2] and the environment[3], through data processing, analysis and modeling of diagnostic situations and solutions, proposing policies at different levels for the development of a society inclusive and sustainable.
[1] In this work, every human being who is in the learning process is considered a learner, such as students, students, disciples, apprentices, among others.
[2] In this work, a mediator is understood as any human being who guides, guides, favors, stimulates, potentiates and corrects the learning process such as teachers, teachers, instructors, among others.
[3] In this work, they refer to the environment as the physical locations, contexts and cultures where the learner carries out learning processes with or without the intervention of a mediator.
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