Emphasis of social management in the Uniminuto Social Work curriculum

Main Article Content

Olga Lucia Pérez Ruíz


The article approaches general elements that were part of the graduation paper named, "Emphasis of Social Management in the Social Working Curriculum", which was presented to obtain the degree of Specialist in Social Management of the Corporation of the University Minuto de Dios. ln turn it incorporates contributions of the lnter-American lnstitute of Development, in particular in the area of Social Management. The article mainly exposes the correlation between the Social Working and the Social Management as groundwork in order to develop this theme throughout the degree.

Author Biography

Olga Lucia Pérez Ruíz, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Trabajadora Social, especialista en Educación y Desarrollo Cultural, especialista en Gerencia Social de Uniminuto y estudiante de Maestría en Educación de la Universidad de Los Andes, Docente Programa de trabajo Social Uniminuto.