The Wittgenstein smile: the saying and quietening paradox in the tractatus

Main Article Content

Jorge Enrique Figueroa Barrera


This paper is an attempt to summarize the thesis tilted “De la crítica del lenguaje a la praxis del silencio. La paradoja del decir y el callar en la lógica filosófica del Tractatus” it pretends to show that mystic silence is ineffable, so it would be foolish to try to talk or represent its sense. The tool or breakwater to reach “tractarian” comprehension of silence is a logic analysis language because through it, it is possible to trace limits to thought expression, frontier that do not show us, in surface, the ordinary language. The logical language allows us to see the world as a limited whole; the exploration and analysis of language possibilities from a totality feeling, through the silence praxis, conduces us to the mystic feeling. The silence of tractatus is not passive, wherefore, as the Buddha, from its knowledge and experience oasis, the savant keeps quiet and smile.

Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Figueroa Barrera, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Es Profesional y Licenciado en Filosofía de UNIMINUTO, ha sido docente universitario en Filosofía.