Is juvenile penal law modifiable?

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Diana Britto Ruiz


In an innovative way, the new law "Infancia y Juventud" has included the legal mechanisms for the treatment of juvenile criminals. Although this is an important legal achievement, this law, as the some as the "Código the Procedimiento Penal", proposed to apply restorative justice as a separate mechanism of social processes which minimizes its educational and preventive potential. This paper analyses the restorative elements that the law has from its experience in juvenile restorative justice in other countries and proposes some guidelines to relate what the Law proposes to o wider perspective. 

Author Biography

Diana Britto Ruiz, Pontificio Universidad Javeriana

Es Maestra en Estudios políticos de la Pontificio Universidad Javeriana de Cali, Psicóloga de lo Universidad del Valle y actualmente adelanta un doctorado en Paz, Conflicto y Democracia en lo Universidad de Granada en España. Es integrante del grupo de investigación DEIS (Democracia, Estado e Integración) de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Sus temas de investigación son Justicia Restaurativo y Género sobre los que tiene varias publicaciones.