The meaning of time for working students and workers in continuing education programs

Main Article Content

María Edith Morales
Victoria Eugenia Gonzáles


This research was carried out in order to understand the sense that lime has for men and women who have lived the experience of working and studying simultaneously. This is o phenomenological study whose its unique relevant purpose is to enhance the sense that its actors give to time. The data construction and analysis were made from a hermeneutical perspective, given the pretension of reaching argumented descriptions that speak about the sense of time for students who work or workers who study and the commitment of translating and transforming this intelligible text socially constructed by of them and for them. For this reason, an approximation to the fundamental concepts was made based on the politic philosophy inspired by Hannah Arendt, the social phenomenology by Alfred Schutz and the time conception expressed by Mélich and Gurméndez.

Author Biographies

María Edith Morales, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Trabajadora Social. Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Especialista en Gerencia Social. Directora del CIDUB Centro Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Social Integral de la Corporación Universitario Minuto de Dios Seccional Bello, Directora del grupo de investigación "Gestión Social y Participación para el Desarrollo Comunitario" GESPADEG de la Unidad de Ciencias Sociales de lo Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Docente de cátedra de la Universidad de Antioquia.

Victoria Eugenia Gonzáles, Universidad de Antioquia

Es Bacteriólogo. Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Especialista en administración de Servicios de Salud con énfasis en mercadeo. Docente de planto de la Universidad de Antioquia.