Between the free man and the good God: about the moral foundation of certainty in the philosophy of Desacartes

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Diana Marcela Pinto Parra


This article develops and approach to the Theory of the Knowledge proposed by Descartes, in order to elucidate the way the rational argument that makes God the guarantee of knowledge is supported by two suppositions: the infinity God’s liberty and the freedom that God gives to human being. To catch this purpose up it will be showed that God, deciding not to deceive, presents himself as a morally perfect being. By the way, it will be made clear that God grants to the human being a total epistemic freedom giving him the possibility to go from himself to the knowledge and making a choice about what his understanding presents to himself. In this way, knowledge in Cartesian theory involves a moral profile too, owing to the fact that it implies a choice. This procedure makes possible that God, in the French philosopher system, had not duties about mistake in human knowledge.