Doing the knot on the gallows? New technologies and participation

Main Article Content

Julián Andrés Quintero López
Denis Nohemy Rojas Gómez


This document has been produced as part of the research on new technologies and society that advances the Corporation Redcamaleon Young Communication System. Part of this research were the workshops to develop the project Use of new technologies as place for political participation and meeting the diversity, and funded by Mayor of Bogotá in 2008. The project conducted a series of workshops for members of social organizations that were part of his work in web media, workshops were conducted on three themes: 1) Cybersociety and participation, 2) Calendar and youth mobilization, through new means and 3) Digital diversity and virtual debate. We present in this paper progress of ongoing research which reflects the work done in the workshops.

Author Biographies

Julián Andrés Quintero López, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Sociólogo Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Ganador de la Beca Carolina 2009, Estudiante Maestría Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Universidad de Salamanca. Investigador Corporación RedCamaleón Sistema de Información Joven desde 2002.

Denis Nohemy Rojas Gómez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Socióloga Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Candidata Magister en Sociología Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Subdirectora Corporación RedCamaleón Sistema de Información Joven desde 2006.