Nudity in three acts

Main Article Content

Diego Álvarez


This paper is attempts to present a different approach on the problems rights and citizenship that are overflowed in their theoretical understanding, when they are watched in the light of three acts, three sadly daily situations in our country and with respect to which reveals like common denominator the nakedness of the human existence, the naked life, that with vehemence puts the factual validity of speeches at issue that are not sufficient to give sense to a reality that overflows all possible rationality. By virtue of this it is revealed what different authors have expressed like a deep crisis of the concepts of rights, liberties, citizenship and consequently, of democracy.

Author Biography

Diego Álvarez, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Magíster en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y perteneciente a la Línea de Poder, Política y Nuevos Sujetos Sociales de la misma.