Participation and influence of the collective political subject in public policies

Main Article Content

Zonia Benavides Becerra


This paper reflects on the collective political subject and their claim processes as determinant actions, in order to indentify the subject and understand his possibilities of action in political and public scenarios of participation. It deals with the concepts of participation as a right and sets the difference among citizen, communitarian and social participation, from the critical participation approach. Finally, it reflects on the role of collective subjects in public policies and the actions that they promote to process their claims.

Author Biography

Zonia Benavides Becerra, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Tunja

Magíster en Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Tunja. Especialista en Comunicación – Educación de la Universidad Central y Comunicadora Social de la Universidad INCCA de Colombia. Con experiencia en diseño, coordinación y evaluación de experiencias educativas en derechos humanos y conflictos sociales. Formulación, implementación y gestión de proyectos de intervención social.