Cultural practice and the construction of peace. Some reflections for Colombia

Main Article Content

Carlos Hernán Fernández


What do we refer when we talk about the cultural dimension in the construction of the peace? What is the role of the male and female citizens into the cultural change? What do the cultural practices mean and how do they contribute to the sustainable peace? This article explores some topics that enlighten about these issues making reference to the Colombian case. In this effort approaching to this notion of cultural practice favoring the peace, this article introduces some reflections about imaginaries and representations of peace, violence, conflict, and power of change understood as a language in the historical processes. Besides, this article suggests that the individual and collective practices in a micro scale introduce variations of sense that can constitute exercises of transforming power of the social structures.

Author Biography

Carlos Hernán Fernández, Universidad de Granada

Antropólogo. Diplomado en Cultura de Paz y Gestión de Conflictos, Master en Paz, Conflictos y Democracia y Candidato a Doctor del Instituto para el Estudio de la Paz y los Conflictos de la Universidad de Granada – España.