Hat weaving an ancestral tradition in the municipality of Aguadas , Caldas

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Patricia Arcila Flórez


The Aguadeño hat has become a symbol of representativeness of the municipality of Aguadas at a regional and national level, it embodies the work of artisans who find in this trade a form of sustenance, but this has also become an element of safeguarding the local culture, since it involves the muleteer sense of the coffee region. Weaving has been permeated by the constant concern of a loss of generational renewal, but which also seeks the way of new forms of artisanal creation. Through interviews, we seek to recognize the meaning of the people of Aguadeños, both makers and spectators, their cultural sense, expectations of monetary value and the needs of artisans. The objective of the research exercise is to identify strategies for the protection and preservation of the weaving of the Aguadeño hat as a craft that shapes the idiosyncrasy and culture of the people. 

Author Biography

Patricia Arcila Flórez, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO


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