III Colloquium Research Experiences in the Professional Practice Settings of the Social Sciences

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Yohanna Castro Rodelo
Martha Lucía Correa Ramírez


The transformations of the social structure and the social sciences are situated in settings and locations that allow for the understanding of phenomena and situations that occur in social realities. Therefore, their object of study is diverse due to the multiplicity of theoretical assumptions from which each social science attempts to approach it. Additionally, it is a field of knowledge that deals with the study of the social as both individual and collective human activity, and its interrelations (Ruiz & Benítez, 2016). It is worth noting that, before the 19th century, social realities were not considered a subject of scientific knowledge, as was the case with the natural sciences, which gives "an idea of the historical conditions of inequality and epistemological doubt that the social sciences carried with them in their origins" (Ruiz & Benítez, 2016, p. 24).


Abello Llanos, R. (2009). La investigación en ciencias sociales: sugerencias prácticas sobre el proceso. Investigación y desarrollo, 17(1), 208-229.

Fernández, J. C., y Zincke, M. (1993). Las ciencias sociales: concepto y clasificación. Aula: revista de pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca, (5), 67-72.

Montufar, et al., (2021). Importancia del contexto social para la investigación. Revista científica del sistema de estudios de postgrado de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 4(1), 77-84.

Ruiz, H., y Benítez, L. (2016). Metodología de la investigación social I. Cengage learning

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