Entrepreneurial profile of students and graduates of the specialization in financial management of UNIMINUTO

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Campo Elías López-Rodríguez
Miguel Alejandro Espinosa-Rodríguez
Miguel Guillermo Lugo-Tochoy
Maribeth María Muriel-Muñoz


Considering that entrepreneurship is a wealth-generating activity that contributes to economic growth and development,
where knowledge, creativity and innovation of entrepreneurial ideas benefit society and in turn the different sectors, the
main objective of this article is to characterize the elements that are part of the entrepreneurial profile of students and
graduates of the Specialization in Financial Management of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO,
through a correlational methodology and a quantitative approach. The results determine that the scarce sources of financing,
tax aspects, lack of experience and time negatively affect the entrepreneurial intention. Likewise, attributes such as attitude,
constancy, leadership, motivation, self-confidence and perseverance are determining aspects to consolidate a business idea
and make it sustainable. It is concluded that UNIMINUTO must continue to create strategies within its educational scenarios
so that students at the postgraduate level generate a greater degree of confidence, determination and perseverance for
the development of entrepreneurial projects.


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