Strengthening of legitimate institutional trust: a roadmap in the cai la macarena de fusagasugá

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Dalila Faisuly Patiño Mahecha
Nohelia Rojas Durán
Rodrigo Pulido Rodríguez


This research article presents a summary of the original results of the 2019 institutional project of the Sumapaz Province Police School, called “Strengthening community interaction through police leadership in Fusagasugá”, whose ultimate goal is to improve symbiosis police-community based on police leadership and its interaction with the citizen, in the CAI La Macarena de Fusagasugá, for which the design was considered in three phases and as a methodology it was proposed to sponsor in the first instance the National Community Surveillance Model for Quadrants –MNVCC- to determine absent police leadership factors in that relationship. Then in a field work, in the CAI LA MACARENA of the municipality of Fusagasugá, applying methodological instruments with students of the School, identify the perception of the police service and then as a pilot case, implement the recommendations in the same place. As findings, it can be perceived that the results show a generic coincidence with national statistics in feeling a distance between the police and the community, which affects the interaction that should be more quality and trustworthy. However, because the application of the survey was local, one might think that it is not enough to compare; However, it is coincidental. This concludes as an alternative to settle the discussion that police leadership is the main goal to close the gap between the police and the community and the construction of a roadmap that validates its viability emerges as an institutional proposal.


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