A look at the synchronization of cognitive radio

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Danilo Alfonso López Sarmiento
Leydy Johana Hernández Viveros


Objective. To propose the use of artificial intelligence tools as a model for the synchronization of the stages of decision and spectral sharing of cognitive radio. Methodology. The methodology used was exploratory-descriptive, collecting information chronologically organized over time and evaluating different elements that make up the cognitive radio in terms of synchronization between its stages. According to what was investigated and in order to carry out the research, each of the stages that make up the cognitive radio was analyzed for a total connection and synchronization, identifying in the decision and sharing stage what is advanced in the aspect of comprehensiveness between them. Originality. Of the investigated studies based on cognitive radio, the synchronization between its stages is not explored in any case to demonstrate an integral functionality of the system. Limitations. The different studies carried out on the stages of cognitive radio show that none of these separately co-index, identifying that for the development of the proposal, modeling must be carried out for both stages. Results. The results in the literary review found indicate that this synchronization has not been addressed giving space to a knowledge gap that is intended to attack. Conclusion. Cognitive radio is a methodology that proposes the dynamic management of the radio spectrum, integrating the stages of detection, decision making, sharing and spectral mobility. The spectral decision-making phase is responsible for deciding which is the best available channel to opportunistically transmit secondary user (SU) data, and its success depends on how efficient the primary user (PU) characterization model is. and the spectrum sharing phase will be in charge of coordinating access to the channel with other users in this way, seeking comprehensiveness between these stages.


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