Bienvenidos al portal de Revistas Académicas de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, un servicio encaminado a la difusión de la investigación académica y científica de la institución. Aquí puedes encontrar la mejor selección, evaluación y publicación de artículos publicados en nuestras diferentes Revistas especializadas o de divulgación científica, apoyando el desarrollo académico y la producción investigativa.
  • Inclusión y Desarrollo

    ISSN: 2389-7341 / e-ISSN: 2590-7700

    Inclusión y Desarrollo is an open access scientific journal, peer reviewed under the double-blind modality, whose aim is to promote the national and international debate on the construction of knowledge and understanding of processes of social inclusion and social development from different perspectives related to the social sciences, humanities and education.

    This journal is published biannually (January-June and July-December), and primarily accepts research and review articles written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. It also publishes contributions from research seedbed and opinion articles.

  • Praxis Pedagógica

    ISSN: 0124-1494 / e-ISSN: 2590-8200

    Praxis Pedagógica was created in 1998. It is an international scientific journal published semi-annually in digital format by the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO. Its purpose is to share and discuss research that reflects on educational practices and experiences to transform and improve them.

    Praxis Pedagógica publishes original works in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Article submissions are accepted year-round, and two issues are published annually, one per semester.


    Biannual Journal Specialized in Communication
    ISSN-L: 1692-5688 / e-ISSN: 2590-8057

    MEDIACIONES is a biannual publication by the School of Creation, Communication, and Culture at UNIMINUTO. It is directed at the academic and scientific community interested in a critical and reflective approach to communication, its dynamics, and its societal impact.

    The journal follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process, ensuring the quality and relevance of each article. Submissions are open year-round, inviting researchers to contribute to the ongoing academic debate in this field.

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    ISSN: 1909-2520 / e-ISSN: 2590-8219

    The Inventum Journal is a semi-annual scientific publication. It aims to disseminate and share unpublished articles resulting from research and technological developments in any area of infrastructure and social construction, competitiveness, environment and sustainable development, and information and communication technologies from the perspective of engineering and technology. Its purpose is focused on transforming and enhancing the use of technologies to address the problems of external communities. All articles published in the Inventum Journal are peer-reviewed by national and international external experts recognized for their expertise and contributions to the field.

  • Polisemia

    ISSN: 1900-4648 / e-ISSN: 2590-8189

    POLISEMIA is a scientific journal published semi-annually, aimed at the academic community of researchers and professionals in social and human studies within the Colombian and Ibero-American context. The journal seeks to be a meeting point for disciplinary and interdisciplinary debates on the analyses and research findings in the polysemic field of the human and the social.

    Its purpose is rooted in critical questions arising from social processes and movements, as well as new inquiries into modes of existence, the spiritual, ethical, and political dimensions in the context of peace, and how humans today experience their relationships with themselves, others, the natural environment, and transcendence. In this regard, it accommodates various perspectives and promotes fruitful dialogue concerning the epistemological and methodological pluralism that inspires academic work.

    POLISEMIA opens its pages to texts related to critical social and humanistic thought in three main areas:

    • Issues of citizenship and nonviolence, encompassing questions of peace, territory, and community social fabric;

    • Issues of human development, including studies and analyses on quality of life and social well-being, poverty, inequality, family, coexistence, migration, and public policies in the social sphere;

    • Concerns regarding philosophical and ethical thought and moral issues in individuals and social groups, as well as those related to bodies, subjects, subjectivities, and spirituality.

    You can review the terms and conditions for submitting your text at the following link

  • Perspectivas

    ISSN: 2145-6321 / e-ISSN: 2619-1687

    The Perspectives Magazine, is an open access publication, which as of 2021 is continuously edited in digital version by the Minuto de Dios University Corporation – UNIMINUTO, Cundinamarca Rectory and the Santanderes Regional Vice-Rectory (Colombia).

    The Journal has the purpose of contributing - through research training and interdisciplinarity - to the generation, dissemination and application of knowledge that contributes to social, scientific and technological development, with special emphasis on regional development. This is due to the commitment that UNIMINUTO assumes with the construction of an academic research community for the generation of knowledge. In this way, the generation of research, social projection and teaching is promoted, based on sustainable human and social development.

  • Ignis

    e-ISSN: 2500-5448

    as an expression created by students and for students, was born thanks to the initiative of a group of students and the support of the Department of Philosophy within the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. This initiative has made it possible to create an academic space that is sufficiently inclusive and transdisciplinary, where knowledge is also constructed and serves as a means to foster dialogue among diverse perspectives and opinions.

  • Desarrollo & Gestión


    The purpose of Development and Management is to serve as a channel for dissemination, interaction, and reflection on the core functions of teaching, research, and social outreach. All of this is in relation to new trends and paradigms in business sciences, aiming to make a lasting impact on the education and development of students, professors, and researchers from the faculty and other academic spaces at both national and international levels.