Teacher training for the teaching of scientific thought in institutions of the municipalities of cárdenas, san cristóbal and pedro maría ureña, of the state of táchira, Venezuela

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Eva Angelina Chacón Colegio
Miguel Ángel Macías-Bayona
Nelly Esperanza Maldonado Osorio


The present work aims to evaluate the training of teachers for the teaching of scientific thinking in children of the fifth and sixth grade of primary education belonging to institutions in the municipalities of Cárdenas, San Cristóbal and Pedro María Ureña in the State of Táchira of Venezuela; For this, the construct on teacher training guided towards the teaching of scientific thought will be examined and the training that teachers have for teaching scientific thought will be identified. The research was framed within the quantitative paradigm from the factual sciences, with a descriptive level and a non-experimental field design, the survey technique was applied through a questionnaire to fifteen teachers with closed questions of simple selection, validated by experts. For the statistical analysis, the Microsoft Excel program was used, the results were interpreted and the respective conclusions were obtained, among which the fact that there is limited teacher training regarding the teaching of scientific thought from the classroom stands out, although there is considerable openness that may allow such training to develop.


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