The hole in the work

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Mauro Nahuel Gross


In the present work we try to give an account of that unapproachable of a work. They are taken to develop two works, a photograph of Dani Olivier and a sculpture by Steve Tobin, in which the vacuum or hole in its center predominates. Thus, an analogy with the Lacanian real concept is established and, finally, it is proposed using a Cortázar text, the movement or topological
turn that an observer can face in front of the work.


Cortázar, J. Axoltl. 1956. Final de Juego, parte III. Cuentos Completos. Buenos Aires: Punto de Lectura, 2015.
Lacan, J. (1976). Seminario 24: L’Insu que sait de L’une-bévue s’aile à mourre. Inédito.
Lacan, J. El seminario 11: Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1986.
Lacan, J. Homenaje a Margarie Duras, del rapto Lol V. Stein. En Intervenciones y textos 2. Buenos Aires: Manantial, 1988.
Lacan, J. (1988). Seminario 7: La ética del psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires, Paidos.
Recalcati, M. Las tres estéticas de Lacan (psicoanálisis y arte). Buenos Aires: Del Cifrado, 2006.