The praxeological approach: the ethical, the aesthetic and the political

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Fabian Andrey Zarta Rojas


This reflective article explores three concepts linked to the praxeological approach, developed by the philosopher Carlos Germán Juliao Vargas, which account for its complexity as a method, approach, and life project: the ethical, the aesthetic and the political; For this purpose, he takes, as an illuminating example, the “praxeological workshop”. The epistemic perspective about which this text is thought about is developed in a framework of transdisciplinarity, reflective indocility and complex thinking. The development of the article has been proposed in three sections: (a) Ethics in the praxeological approach; (b praxeology as an aesthetic of existence; (c) the political implications of the praxeological approach. The reflection leads to the fact that praxeology seems to have a wide spectrum that deserves further investigation, from the interdisciplinary perspective, to continue discovering its scope (given its function multivalent); in other words, there is a sensitive complexity from which it is possible to demonstrate other themes, concepts, forms, mechanisms, and tools since it is an approach, model and method still in the constructive process.


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