Results of a diagnostic survey of research students

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Luz Deicy Flórez Espinal
Olga Liliana Gutiérrez Castaño
Jeane Fernanda Gálvez Sabogal


The article presents the analysis of the results of the diagnostic survey applied to the research seminarians of the Faculty of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences of the University of Cundinamarca in Colombia, in the framework of the design of a Seminarian Training School. This instrument is part of the development of a macro research, with a proposal to be presented called Training School for Research Semilleristas, in order to strengthen their competences towards the management and appropriation of elements of science, technology and innovation, which contribute more directly to the management of university research groups and leaders. Within the framework of the project, a qualitative and experimental research methodology was used, taking a pilot group of semilleristas to make a diagnostic survey and train them for two months in the central components of Elements and transfer of Research; Writing and publication of research and Semillerista action route. in articulation with the Educational Model of the University of Cundinamarca. Among the main results of the diagnostic survey, it is found that, for a total of 98 participating research semilleristas, the need for training is fundamental and should be permanent, although the frequency and modality of the meetings with their research professor leader of the semillero is not constant. The main conclusion drawn from this analysis is to affirm that the training of research fellows, through a virtual classroom process, can facilitate the research activity of a research fellowship leader, given the possibility of saving time in the teaching process in science concepts, technology and innovation with an investment in the exploratory learning of the student, in relation to the environment, stimulating and encouraging their students to contribute in a more concrete way with the transfer and visibility, with great opportunities for the generation of new knowledge (through research papers, papers, articles and contribution in book chapters). Therefore, a Research Seminar Training School should be designed according to the realities of the new generations eager to do research, taking advantage of the use of current technological tools.


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