Reading and writing with TIC, I am learning
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Reading, writing, and orality are 3 of the 4 fundamental principles of communicative competence, interpretation agrees with Dell Hymes (1971) as the ability to use language taking into account the context, the receiver, and the purpose pursued. From this premise, it is evident in the students of the educational Institución Educativa Sinaí from sixth grade, that difficulties to write texts that imply their ideas, as well as orthographic flaws, coherence, and cohesion that are the backbone of both oral and written discourse. In this sense, a didactic intervention is presented that integrates ICT tools in the strengthening of writing using as a reference corpus some samples by the authors Horacio Quiroga, Oscar Wilde and José Luis Díaz Granados. The purpose is for students to build their speeches from the given guidelines and rely on applications such as Wordwall and Genially to gamify their output.
Finally, what is expected of this project is that once the didactic intervention is finished, the student will be able to express himself in writing with coherence and cohesion based on the recognition of the characteristics of each of the textual typologies that he wants to discourse making acceptable use of technological resources in addition to those already cited, which productions created are an incentive for the educational community is made known with the aim that is part of the process carried out as a starting point to strengthen communicative skills as the leading link for any process of changeover and socio-cultural development.
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