Creative activity in the writing process
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The objective of this research is to analyze how the development of creative activity manifests itself in the writing process in children aged between 7 and 8 years in the city of Villavicencio, The participation of second-grade students allowed identifying how the intentionality of the teachers' practices are distant from the children's interests, where we see the need to accelerate the learning of reading and writing, in decoding terms, in an early way, putting aside enough time for stimulation, some characteristics of creative writing were investigated from the Vygotsky theory (1986), the analysis was made based on the categorical system proposed by Sandoval (1996), by which it seeks to validate the information through the categories for the structuring of the analysis of qualitative data, which showed that the participant children of this investigation, modeled and imitated some structures and norms, that are related in the writing process.
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