Effects of ornamental crops on food security in the province of Tequendama. Cundinamarca

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Efren Eduardo Rojas Burgos


The province of Tequendama in recent years has grown in the production of ornamental type export crops displacing food crops. This has generated a sustained increase in prices and shortages in them as they directly affect the family basket. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects that influence the increase in prices and the availability of food from traditional crops and that directly affects the family economy. For the development of the research, a non-probabilistic sample, known as intentional, of 30 key respondents and documentary consultation has been used. In the preliminary results it was established that there are about 800 ornamental producers in the area, 80% of whom do not have an ICA registry. Scarcely 20% have phytosanitary registration.


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