Formación práctica de los profesionales de trabajo social en los procesos de vinculación con la sociedad: experiencias con los barrios del distrito metropolitano de Quito DMQ 2017 – 2018 Practical training of social work professionals in the processes of linking with society: experiences with the neighborhoods of the metropolitan district of Quito DMQ 2017 – 2018

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Jorge Antonio Piedra Rosales
Luis Fernando Muisín Salazar


For Social Work properly articulate training in the classroom with professional practice is a challenge that higher education institutions have to face for the sake of a society that is constantly evolving and requires professionals who not only put out these social fires but really are contributions to the process of social transformation for it academic curricula must reflect the international, national and local social reality, for this the Professional Practice and the Link with the Society that contribute to the process of professional formation of the Social Worker, within this reality , the project “Approach and Intervention in the Neighborhoods of the Metropolitan District of Quito” which is part of the process of Linking with the Society that responds to the need for the subject of Operational Training II, allowed to develop a diagnosis and based on this make decisions to project the intervention of Social Work l in the neighborhood reality and in academic training.


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