Kay pacha, a construction from interdisciplinarity

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Helen Julieth López Vargas
Leidy Katerine Carvajal Guerrero


This article aims to publicize the social research seedbed Kay Pacha and its construction from interdisciplinarity, reflecting the academic and personal dynamics that take place within it. The seedbed is based on the book Un camino, una experiencia y diversas voces (2015), a product of the systematization of experiences of the Construyendo Comunidad Project, authored by Professor Ildefonso Arias, who is a social communicator, and Professor Alexandra Bautista, a business administrator, both of whom are the founders of the seedbed. With this, the idea is to show some of the products of the seedbed and how the academic constructions from each of the disciplines of knowledge that converge here enables the dialogue of knowledge in the research processes developed in Kay Pacha.


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