Factors that affect the transport of foliage for export in Cachipay, Cundinamarca

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Efren Eduardo Rojas Burgos


There are a hundred entrepreneurs in the field dedicated to growing foliage in Cachipay, Cundinamarca. They offer their products in the market, but they lack the proper transportation means, since they have to carry the product in unsuitable vehicles for the activity. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the factors and types of transport that influence or prevent the optimal development of producers and that directly affect their economy. To carry out this research, we used a non-probability sample, known as “intentional,” of thirty key respondents and documentary consulting. Preliminary results determined that, in the area, there are approximately 450 producers, 80% of whom do not have their own means of transport; barely 5% have suitable vehicles for this activity. ICA only reports thirty producers with phytosanitary certification.


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