Identifying the emotional state of children between the ages of ten and fifteen at the fray josé ledo department school in the municipality of chaguaní (cundinamarca) and its relationship with neurosciences in the school phase
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A first phase of research was carried out related to Emotional Intelligence (EI) in students between the
ages of ten and fifteen the Fray José Ledo Department School from the Municipality of Chaguaní-Cundinamarca. To that end, Salovey and Meyer’s Trait Meta–Mood Scale pilot test was applied. The global analysis of the differentiated EI was obtained in three key dimensions: attention, clarity, and emotional repair.
According to the results obtained, the attention and clarity dimensions show normal values in the range of
classification of the test, while the emotional repair dimension shows a difficulty at a general level. It was
identified that students do not have the same capacity for emotional repair, thus resulting in a number of
expectations and proposals to be applied in the investigation in such a way that allows the identification
of the causes and effects of that factor.
4, 327–362.
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