The impact of labor risk legislation in work-related accidentality, illness and mortality rates of labor origin in Colombia and Argentina. a case study

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Leidy Caterín Torres Satizábal
Michael Josseph Sanabria
Diana Alexandra Gómez G


The norms that describe behaviors inherent to the development of economic activities of different nature
can be perceived as productive agents for those who do physical and psychological activities in pursuit of
the fulfillment of the organization’s mission, representing a risk for the continuity of the business if the
risks to which they are exposed in the development of their function and in their interaction with the
other resources of the organization are not contemplated and controlled. It therefore becomes necessary
to implement a hygiene and industrial safety regulation, following the set of regulations defined with
that maximum prevention objective. Labor law in Colombia has made significant progress in Colombia in
this regard, which makes it more advanced than the one currently established in Argentina. The novelty
and importance of this paper is in the reflection on whether legislation, both in Argentina and Colombia,
is really fulfilling its role in the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases in the working population
exposed. It also reflects on how legislative differences have an impact on frequency and severity statistics in accidents, illnesses and work-related mortality in the two countries.


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