Internships: a praxeological experience. characterization of small entrepreneurs in the municipality of soacha, Cundinamarca

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Ruby Stella Romero Martínez


Internships are part of the Complementary Professional Component of programs offered by UNIMINUTO. Their purpose is to articulate the students’ academic knowledge with the work of the economic or services sectors as future places of professional development. In this scenario, the idea is to implement
the praxeological model, with the aim of proving its usefulness in the suggested route of the program in Technology in Costs and Audit, according to the professional profile of consultant, demonstrating: first, the relevance of the academic offer in companies and organizations, and, second, the importance of developing hard or disciplinary skills and soft skills, which are so necessary when establishing a link with the productive sector. The paper concludes with the relevance that students give to their role as soon-tobe graduates and their commitment to their internships, which makes it possible to guarantee a future
dynamic meeting between the academic and business sectors.


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