The capital market and its relationship with sustainable development an approach to the current scenario from a documentary review

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Luz Esmeralda Clavijo Rincón


Considering the current trends of the global market, where the compliance with global agreements on sustainability is becoming increasingly important, the significance of carrying out this research project is established, which aims to identify the current state of application of sustainability principles in the world’s most important stock exchanges, and the main lessons learned in the management process towards achieving elements of social and environmental equilibrium in capital markets were identified.
We start from a methodological process of document analysis (processing and retrieval of information contained in technical documents) published by both regulatory and academic international organizations. Three methodological moments are established while carrying out the research: The first one focuses on the analysis of scientific documents listed in specialized databases. The second one is aimed at analyzing publications issued by multinational organizations and the various stock exchanges worldwide. Finally, the third one is the systematization of the findings as a compendium, to be taken into account in subsequent phases of research applied to Colombia with regards the subject of study.
Partial results revealed the increase of activities and spaces that favor the application of sustainability elements in stock exchanges around the world. Currently, 52 stock exchanges are identified that have made a public commitment to promote sustainability in their market with results that directly contribute to the fulfillment of four sustainable development objectives (SDOs) in the territories where their market activities have influence.


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