Relationship between motor skills, reading, writing and academic performance

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Sandra Paola Grimaldo Salazar


In this study, we analyze the relationship between motor skills, reading, writing and academic performance. The aim is to link motor development with the processes of reading, writing and academic performance in third-grade children. The sample consists of 27 children between the ages of 5 and 6, enrolled in a private school in Girardot (Cundinamarca). The methodology used was quantitative, descriptive and correlational. The following tests were applied: the neuromotor evaluation test (evanm), writing qualification observation of the graphic position, and semi-structured interviews with the head teachers of each grade and the physical education teacher. For data analysis, the spss program was used for non-parametric statistics, since the sample was small. It was found that there is a direct and significant relationship between academic performance and basic movement patterns: drag with a level of significance of 0.482, equilibrium with a level of significance of 0.486, bending with 0.429, and sprinting with 0.450. However, no differences were found between the gender variables.


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