Socioeconomic and academic profile of the students from the business administration program of Uniminuto, Girardot campus

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Mónica Alexandra Zarta Campos
Diego Hernando Cifuentes Bedoya


The article describes the study carried out by means of surveys to determine the socioeconomic and academic profile of students from the program in Business Administration at the Girardot Campus of UNIMINUTO. The paper reflects the situations or events that have taken place among the student community, making it possible to organize and summarize all the information about social, economic, family and academic aspects to be addressed from an institutional perspective, aiming to analyze and learn about the problems that generate situations such as students dropping out or failing and others that affect the academic process. The identification of the aforementioned situations and aspects will contribute to devising institutional strategies to reduce drop-out and failing rates among the students of the program, thus increasing the number of graduates of the program and at the same time achieving an improvement in academic performance.


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