Reflexión documental de las prácticas profesionales de trabajo social en Colombia

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Juana Irene García Barreto
Andri Esneda Zambrano Cárdenas
Marisol Martínez Suárez


Abstract The present article aims to highlight if, from the process of academic formation, the students of Social Work in Colombia really acquire the knowledge and necessary tools to perform in a process of professional practice. It was identified that the discipline in the academic formation provides the students experience of learning, knowledge and application of theory to practice. All this was evidenced by the documentary analysis of 28 Colombian universities that offer the Social Work program, as well as the analysis of how they carry out their professional practices in the last semesters, where students can put into practice their theoretical knowledge, acquired at academic level, applying them in a specific population or institution. Based on a methodology supported by the praxeological approach, as one of the theoretical approaches that underlie UNIMINUTO students’ training, it was possible to determine the ways and processes in which professional practices are performed at the national level and the applicability of this comparative for the program.


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