Sistematización de experiencias empresariales: electivas bajo enfoque praxeológico programa administración de empresas

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Diego Hernando Cifuentes Bedoya
Diego Armando Castro Munar


Abstract The present article describes the case study through the systematization of business experiences through talks with professionals from the productive sector to identify the skills and abilities in marketing and sales in the students of the Business Administration program, Girardot Regional Center. The case study was carried out using the praxeological approach for the development of technical subjects of sales and market research, which makes possible the curricular strengthening of the program, as well as the knowledge of the consumer, the market and the business network of Girardot and the Cundinamarca region. In the same way, the case study looks for identifying in the students the professional skills and strategic abilities in topics such as negotiation, sales, marketing, advertising and market research.


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