Participación juvenil en el post-acuerdo: nuevas expresiones de la política en Soacha. una reflexión conceptual introductoria

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Luis Eduardo Lamus Parra


The article deals with the theoretical and referential frameworks of the research commitment of the alliance among the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, and the Soacha municipal Hall and Colectivo Juvenil Soacha Común Alternativa. In order to construct a public youth policy proposal for the municipality of Soacha during the second semester of 2017 and the first of 2018. This process of structuring public policy situated in the context of the post-agreement, poses enormous challenges at the moment of specifying in the territory certain particularities of the postulate in point two of the signed peace agreement.

In this sense, the paper situates the potentialities and the generated conditions for the development of the project and dialogues with the categories of youth and young, approaching a heterodox understanding that allows changing its approach. Besides, provide a particular view of political participation in order to restore the capacity of the politic for the transformation of the order of the current political representation.

The present reflection on the category of the politic will allow to explore forms of disruptive influence in a destituent / constituent key, area in which the Greek philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis will be interpellate. Cornelius proposes an instituting and autonomous political participation, which seeks to locate forms of action transformative politics in the social subject, problematizing the institutionalized forms of the political in a dialogue with the potential democratic opening proposed by the agreement. Hence, the paper addresses a political reflection that questions the frameworks of representation and decentrates the political participation of the logic of representative democracy. In this way, the objective is to provide criteria that allows rethinking youth participation as a theoretical framework in the construction of public policies.

The first advance in the theoretical frameworks of the proposed public youth policy dialogues with an interpretation of the political conditions emerged from the peace agreement. Such conditions open a scenario of possibility for democratic opening in the municipality, with the commitment of alliance to empower the political participation of youth faced with the felt need for transformations in the territory. This citizen exercise becomes essential in light of the wear, illegitimacy and insufficiency of the institutionalized hegemonic frameworks of understanding and political process in the Colombian social order.
Key words: Agreement of peace, democratic opening, political participation, public youth policy, Soacha, territory.


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