Temporary assessment of the socio-environmental sound impact, in the influence area of the former Mariscal Sucre Airport in Quito

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Alexis Morales Castillo
Mónica Delgado
Elena Burgaleta
Katty Coral


The impact of environmental noise after the transfer of the old Mariscal Sucre Airport from Quito to Tababela in 2013 was evaluated in two periods, in order to know the changes of environmental noise in decibels (dBA) in the area, in addition to determining the changes in auditory perception experienced by people living in the study area. To this end, noise measurement data from the area recorded in previous studies carried out by the International SEK University (UISEK) were reviewed, comparing them with current experimental measurement values, which constituted a first quantitative evaluation. Additionally, perception surveys were carried out on people who reside or work in the sector, constituting a qualitative evaluation. The quantitative sampling was carried out during the seven days of the week from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 to 23:59, obtaining, as a result, the decrease of environmental noise in a weekly average of 6% in comparison with the study carried out in 2011 by César Andrade. With the qualitative data it was determined that the perception of noise decreased in the sector, 39% of the population perceives that the noise has dropped, generating greater acoustic comfort, 33% of the surveyed population commented that, to date, they have no effects in health, so it can be concluded that the location of the old airport in the urban area disturbed the good living of the locals, with environmental noise being a control parameter for the location of this type of infrastructure

violence at work, aggression against health personnel, primary health care.


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