Comfrey as a complement or vitamin substitute for the production of alternative foods in pigs

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Katherin Yulieth Espinel Barajas Yulieth Espinel Barajas
Paulo Eder Veloza Muñoz
Juan Alonso León Beltrán


The research initially focused on the benefits that could be exploited from the so-called Comfrey plant,

and the study was carried out in the municipality of Cachipay, Cundinamarca. In an interview with

farmers, we found several questions as to why a plant with the features mentioned by the producers (in

a more empirical way, rather than scientific) was not used more, which led us to investigate about how

it could be used. We found a particular form of use that drew our attention: using this plant in the manufacture

of alternative pellets for raising pigs. Accordingly, we focus on the production of those pellets

in order to do an experiment and compare it with the pellets known in the market and so as to be able to

verify the viability of raising pigs with the other pellets in order to reduce costs and improve the properties

of pork meat for human consumption.

Comfrey, Alternative foods, Swine


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