Author Guidelines
perspectivas is a scientific publication about original and unpublished researches that contributes to the advancement of knowledge and academic-scientific discussion.
The author wishing to submit articles for consideration by the Editorial Committee of the Journal shall:
- Send the article in OJS ; the article must comply with the standards proposed by the Journal for scientific articles.
- The Journal seeks to publish results of experimental and theoretical research of great importance in the form of original articles, reviews, short articles or letters to the editor.
Original articles:Articles that represent an in-depth investigation in Social Science
Review articles: Normally comprise less than 10,000 words. Meta-analyses are considered as reviews. Special attention will be paid to the references updated in the revision.
Short articles:They must be complete manuscripts of significant importance. The total number of figures and tables must not exceed to 4. The number of words must not exceed to 3000.
Letter to the editor:Comments on recently published articles.
- The article must be submitted in Word format. Similarly it must include: Title of the article, author or authors and institutional affiliation. Institutional affiliations must be as detailed as possible and must include university, city and country. Also, all authors must have electronic email (institutional), ORCID ( and Google Scholar ( It is indispensable to indicate the author of correspondence or else it will be assumed that the first author will take over such function. The text must be typed in Arial font, size 12, to space and a half.
- The submission of the article must be accompanied by the CV resume of each of the authors (see format on the web) and the transfer of rights letter signed by all authors (see format on the web).
- Write the article with a maximum length of 8000 words and up to 50 references. The article must have the following structure: The article must have the following structure: Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (Results and discussion can be combined in one section), Conclusion and References.
Title:The title must be brief, concise, and descriptive. It must not contain any literature references or compound numbers or non-standardized abbreviations. Spanish and English.
Abstract:The Abstract must be of an analytical type (Objective, Methodology, Results and Conclusions), that does not exceed 200 words. The Abstract must briefly describe the purpose or objective of the study, how the research was conducted, the most important results and the main conclusions drawn from the results, respectively. Avoid references and abbreviations. Spanish and English.
Key words:Authors are asked to provide of 4 to 6 key words to identify the main issues addressed. These key words are used for indexing purposes, for this they must be included in the UNESCO Thesaurus. Spanish and English.
Introduction:The authors must strive to define the significance of the work and the justification for its publication. Any background discussion must be brief and restricted to pertinent material.
Material and methods: Authors must be as concise as possible in theoretical and experimental descriptions. The section must provide all of the information necessary to guarantee reproducibility. Previously published methods must be indicated by their references and only relevant modifications must be described.
Results: The study results must be clear and concise. Restrict the use of tables and figures to depict data which are essential for the interpretation of the study. Do not duplicate data in both figures and tables. The results must be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations.
Discussion:This must explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. Include in the discussion the implications of the findings and their limitations, how the findings fit into the context of other relevant work, and directions for future research.
Conclusion(s):They can be independent and be linked with the goals of the study, whit new hypotheses when warranted. Include recommendations when appropriate. Unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by the obtained data must be avoided.
References:It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the information in each reference is complete and accurate.The references must have the correct format. All references mentioned in the list of references must be cited in the text and vice versa.It is recommended that bibliographic sources be taken from Scopus and Web of Science.
- Send the figures, maps and images in minimum 266 dpi resolution in jpg or gif format. All these resources must be numbered consecutively and indicate clearly the corresponding source(s). Only horizontal lines must be used in the tables according to the APA rules, Sixth Edition.
- Cite bibliographical sources, less than 40 words within the text as follows: (Author, year, and page). Example: (Rodarte, 2011, p. 52). References with more than 40 words are written apart from the text, indented to both sides, unquoted and without italics. At the end of the reference the period is placed before the datum ―Remember that in less than 40 words references the period is placed after the datum―.
- Footnotes numbered consecutively are used only for clarification, comments, discussions, sending’s by the author and must go in its corresponding page, in order to facilitate the reader tracking of the reading of the text.
- References are made based on the APA rules, Sixth Edition. Remember that all references must have hanging indent. So:
Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Title of the book. City, Country: Publishing house.
Foucault, M. (1996). El orden del discurso. Madrid, España: Las Ediciones de La Piqueta.
Book with an Editor:
Last Name, Author’s name initials (Ed). (Year). Title of the book. City, Country: Publishing house.
Shapiro, S. (Ed.). (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapter:
Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Chapter Title. En Last name, Initials of the editor or Publisher name. (Ed) or (Comp),Title of the book(pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publishing house.
Beamish, P.W. (1990). The internationalization process for smaller Ontario firms: A research agenda. En Rugman, M. (Ed.), Research in Global Strategic Management: International Business Research for the Twenty-First Century; Canada’s New Research Agenda(pp. 77-92). Stamford, USA: Jai Pr.
Journal article:
Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Article Title. Name of Journal, volume(number), pp-pp.
Sharpley, R. and Jepson, D. (2011). Rural tourism: A spiritual experience? Annals of Tourism Research, 38(1), 52-71.
Article with DOI:
Last name, Author’s name initials. (Year). Title of Article. Name of Journal, volume(number), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxx.
Canelas, C. and Salazar, S. (2014). Gender and ethnic inequalities in LAC countries. IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 3 (1), 18. DOI:
Newspaper Article:
Last name, Author’s name initials (Date). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper, pp-pp (if have it).
El Economista. (12 de mayo de 2016). El chocolate es mexicano, pero en México se consume poco.
Graduate or Undergraduate Thesis:
Last name, Author’s name initials (Year). Title of Thesis(Undergraduate, Master’s or Doctoral Thesis). Name of Institution, place.
Díaz, M.A. y Landaeta, H. (2014). Diseño de un sistema de aprovechamiento de aguas lluvia para la alimentación de la planta de producción de Herrajes Dudi S.A.S en la localidad de Fontibón (tesis de pregrado). Programa de Ingeniería Ambiental, Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia.
Last name, Author’s name initials (Year). Title of Article. Taken from (URL).
Mincer, J. (1974). Schooling, Experience, and Earnings. National Bureau of Economic. Recuperado de
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
- Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
- Text is single spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines/a, which appear in About the Journal.
- All articles published in Perspectives are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.