Denaturalization of gender and sex and their relationship to Drag Queen art: a study from Judith Butler
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This article examines the first chapter of “Gender in Dispute” (1990) by Judith Butler, a leading American philosopher in Contemporany Political Theory, Gender Theory and Queen Theory. The main objective of the work is to denaturalize the concept of gender, challeging traditional notions of sex; the author undertakes a genealogical work to reveal how the discourses of gender and sexuality contribute to heterosexist normativity. The analysis focuses on three key aspects: first, the representation of women as subjects within feminism and the complexities involved are explored. Next, Butler’s critique of notions of sex and gender in the context of the dominant Heteropatriarchal System is addressed; finally, the importance of identity and Gender Performativity is highlighted, including the significant role played by Transvestism and Drag Queens in Butler’s philosophy. This article reveals
Judith Butler’s fundamental ideas is her seminal work and her contribution to gender theory and the struggle against gender normativity.
Butler, J. (2007). El género en disputa El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. PAIDÓS.
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Nahir-Solana, M. (2014). El papel del travestismo en el pensamiento político de Judith Butler. Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política, (45),