Tendencias Psicopatológicas afines con la maldad ¿Existen tendencias psicopatológicas relacionadas con la maldad, presentes en el entorno académico del colegio distrital Laureano Gómez?

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Harold Hernando Neira Fuya


“If there is a line betweem normal and abnormal, how can we know when we have crossed it?” (Sarason, 2006). Human history has been interlocked with conflicts of power related to good and evil. With this in mind, the objective and social impact of the following work is to find the relation between evil and psychopathology, and  how such relation is present in the educational contexts of young people. Given this relation, the aim would be to figure out how to generate new solutions to the problems that produce evil. We can see how a particular individual’s life can carry events inside a social group or environment that, given a number of factors (ontological, genetic or environmental), can produce evil actions. This is the opportunity to
discover whether these behavioural patterns are part of a psychological pathology.


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