Vol. 7 Núm. 22 (2022)

  • Number of articles received: 46
  • Number of rejected articles: 38
  • Number of published articles: 9
  • Number of UNIMINUTO articles: 2
  • Number of national articles: 7
  • Rejection rate: 85%
  • Inbreeding rate: 22%
  • Number of UNIMINUTO authors: 3
  • Number of national authors: 16
  • Number of international authors: 3
  • Total authors: 19
  • Percentage of UNIMINUTO authors: 15%
  • Percentage of national authors: 84%
  • Percentage of international authors: 16%
  • Number of UNIMINUTO peers: 4
  • Number of national peers: 11
  • Number of international peers: 0
  • Total number of peers: 15
  • Percentage of UNIMINUTO peers: 25%
  • Percentage of national peerss: 100%
  • Percentage of international peers: 0%

Vol. 6 Núm. 21 (2021)

  • Number of articles received: 22
  • Number of rejected articles: 4
  • Number of published articles: 16
  • Number of UNIMINUTO articles: 6
  • Number of national articles: 8
  • Rejection rate: 25%
  • Inbreeding rate: 31%
  • Number of UNIMINUTO authors: 10
  • Number of national authors: 30
  • Number of international authors: 1
  • Total authors: 31
  • Percentage of UNIMINUTO authors: 32%
  • Percentage of national authors: 96%
  • Percentage of international authors: 1%
  • Number of UNIMINUTO peers: 0
  • Number of national peers: 14
  • Number of international peers: 0
  • Total number of peers: 14
  • Percentage of UNIMINUTO peers: 0%
  • Percentage of national peerss: 100%
  • Percentage of international peers: 0%