The author(s) are recognized as those who have contributed intellectually to the creation, writing, review and approval of the nominated article. Those who only participate in fundraising activities, department management, technical analysis, conducting surveys or administrative support are not classified as authors. These types of activities, which do not constitute authorship, are worthy of recognition as collaborators. Perspectives Magazine declines any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the works published in the Magazine. The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles published in Perspectives Magazine are the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the magazine or the Minuto de Dios University Corporation – UNIMINUTO.

In order to promote the democratization of knowledge for the editorial team of the journal Perspectives, it is important that authors provide the following information in their submissions:

  • Names and surnames (take into account the scientific name as you wish to be remembered, in addition to the factors that make possible its remembrance and positioning).
  • Institutional affiliation.
  • E-mail.
  • ORCID.
  • Country.

Perspectives Magazine maintains an open and permanent call for the reception of publication proposals through the Open Journal System.

Posting Frequency

The magazine has published its works continuously since 2021. The publication of supplements is reserved according to the presentation of editorial projects and special issues with other institutions.

Article Types

Proposals of the following types are received:

Research article: Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The generally used structure contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection article: Document that presents results of completed research from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, resorting to original sources.

Review article: Presents the balance of a thematic field (trends, approaches, research advances), through the rigorous analysis of an extensive bibliographic review (50 references at least).

Short article: Brief document that presents preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research, which generally require prompt dissemination.

Case report: Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.

Editorial: Document written by the editor, a member of the editorial board or a guest researcher on guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal.

The article must have the following structure: Title, Summary, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (the results and discussion can be combined in a single section), Conclusion, References.

Title:  It should be brief and inform the reader about the topic to be discussed. It must be provided in Spanish and English. The editor reserves the right to modify it for reasons of visibility, impact and publicity.

Summary: Using a maximum of 350 words, the author illustrates to the academic community about the problem to be addressed, the objective of his research or reflection, the methodology or procedures carried out, the results of his search and the conclusion he reached. This section must be presented in both Spanish and English. References and abbreviations should be avoided. In Spanish and English.

Keywords: Authors are asked to provide four to six keywords to identify the main topics addressed. These words must allow potential readers to easily find the article through digital search engines. The editor reserves the right to modify, omit or add them; he may use a controlled vocabulary or be guided by recurring terms in the databases. In Spanish and English.

Introduction: Adequately exposes the topic of the article, highlights its importance, cites the background and clearly states the objectives.

Methodology: Indicates what type of theory is followed and the corresponding methodological approach. A description of the facts, texts or people object of the study, their characteristics, the tools applied and all the procedures followed must be included. The information must be sufficient for other researchers to carry out the same study and verify the results.

Results: The results obtained are reported with the support of graphs, without falling into excesses. 

Discussion: The results found are related to those obtained by other authors and that have already been published, the differences and contributions of the present study are established. Likewise, controversial theoretical models are discussed and how the study tends to confirm or question them.

Conclusions: All final positions, influenced by the study data, are gathered in this section, where in turn it must be made clear whether the working hypothesis was validated or not.


  • Acknowledgments: thanks are expressed to those who collaborated significantly in carrying out the research.
  • Financing: it is declared whether the project had financing or not, and who provided the resources.
  • Availability of data and materials: Indicates who to contact or the place where the data is available.
  • Contribution of authors: in the case of several authors, the contribution of each of them is indicated.
  • Ethical approval and participant consent indicates which ethics committee approved the project and whether the participants signed the appropriate informed consent.
  • Conflict of interest: the authors declare if there are conflicts of interest and of what nature.

References: Only the texts cited in the article are listed in alphabetical order. The list of references is expected to range between 30 and 50 references, of which a minimum of 50% must correspond to publications made in the last five (5) years and are indexed in two or more journal indexing systems (SIRES) recognized by Minciencias (Ministry of Sciences)-including Scopus or WOS-. If self-appointments are made, these must not exceed 10%, and must be for strictly academic motivations.

Requirements and guidelines for authors

The author who wishes to submit articles for consideration by the Editorial Committee of the Journal must:

  • Authors must register with the journal through the Open Journal System – OJS platform
  • Submit the article only through the journal profile on the OJS platform, the article must comply with the standards proposed by the Journal for scientific articles.
  • The article must be in Word format for Windows. Likewise, it must include: title of the article, author or authors and affiliations. Affiliations should be as detailed as possible and should include university, city, and country. Additionally, all authors must have email (institutional), ORCID ( and Google Scholar ( It is essential to indicate the corresponding author or else it will be assumed that the first author will take charge of this function. The text must be typed in Arial font, size 12, spaced and a half, with 3 cm margins on all sides of the page.
  • The minimum length is subject to the type of article and the maximum is 25 pages.
  • The submission of the article must be accompanied by the Use License letter, signed by all authors. (see format).
  • Write the article with a maximum length of 8000 words and up to 50 references.
  • For bibliographic citations and references, the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) latest edition will be followed.
  • For photographs, the file must be attached in TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Reproduction rights, when necessary, will be managed by the author of the article.
  • Reproduction rights, when necessary, will be managed by the author of the article.

Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by two national or international peers with different affiliation to the publishing entity, the journal accepts 25% of inbreeding of its peer reviewers. The review is performed under the double-blind principle, where the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous. Peer reviewers will be selected taking into account their academic trajectory, their expertise regarding the topic to be evaluated and their publications. It is expected that they have a master's or doctoral degree related to the subject to be evaluated.

The stages of the article review process are:

Acknowledgement of receipt:

Once the submission is completed, authors will receive an email confirming receipt of their paper. From that moment on, they will be able to follow the status of their manuscript through the journal's OJS system, using their username and password.

Internal preliminary evaluation:

The editorial team will have 30 days to evaluate if the work is unpublished (not previously published), if it fits the thematic lines of the journal and if it meets the requirements of anonymity, length and structure. If the article is not suitable for the journal for these reasons, it will be rejected without the need for external consultation. If the evaluation is positive, an editor will be assigned to supervise the subsequent stages of the editorial process.

External evaluation. Peer review with double-blind system:

After the internal preliminary evaluation, the editor will select two suitable reviewers to evaluate the article, based on its academic and scientific merits. Each reviewer will have a maximum of 15 days to accept or reject the review request. If they do not respond within this period, it will be considered a rejection and another reviewer will be sought. Reviewers will issue their report and recommendations within 4 weeks of the review request, using the journal's Review Form. If there is a strong discrepancy between the reviewers' recommendations, a third evaluation may be requested.

Editorial decision and communication to the author:

Once the external evaluations have been received, the editorial committee will have 10 days to make a decision and communicate it to the author. If a second round of peer review is decided, it will be carried out with the same reviewers, unless one rejects, in which case new reviewers will be appointed.

Receipt of the corrected version by the author:

The author will have 21 days to send the corrected version of the manuscript according to the recommendations received. These corrections will be reviewed by the editor, who will verify their adequacy to the reviewers' suggestions. Based on this supervision, the editorial committee will make a final decision and will communicate it to the author within 10 days of receipt of the corrected version.

Editing and publication phase:

Accepted work will move to the editing phase for proofreading, layout and publication. Perspectivas journal adopts a continuous publication system, so each article will be published as soon as its production process is completed, indicating the publication date within the current year's volume.

Listado de pares:

They are carried out under the following evaluation form, taking into account the aspects mentioned below.

  • Title: It is coherent with the content, it is consistent with the objectives, it is a clear indicator of the topic, it motivates reading the article.
  • Summary (abstract) and key words (key words): It has the correct dimension, it is a good interpretation of the content, the key words allow the article to be cataloged in the correct bibliographic themes.
  • Introduction: State the theme of the article, highlight the importance of the article, indicate the background of the work, indicate the objectives of the work presented.
  • Content: There are well-formulated hypotheses, problems or themes, an original and solid argument is presented, the theoretical and methodological foundation is evident and the experimental aspect is accounted for, and the results found by the authors are described.
  • Writing and style: Clear and coherent writing, the author writes in an appropriate style, good spelling is evident, and appropriate use of punctuation marks.
  • Tables and illustrations: They are relevant to the presentation of the content, they are correctly numbered, they are correctly referenced.
  • Conclusions: They are consistent with the introduction, they agree with the objectives, they are of interest, they contribute to the Discipline.
  • Footnotes and bibliographical references: They are appropriate, they comply with APA standards, updated, sufficient and relevant bibliography on the topic is used, there is critical and succinct bibliographical discussion.
  • General concept: The article is current, relevant and contributes to the advancement of knowledge of the discipline, the originality and breadth of the problem posed is evident, contributions from the research are evident, and an appropriate analysis and discussion of the results is evident.

"It is estimated that any article that achieves a score of 70% of the maximum possible is considered publishable, however, the final decision is strictly the responsibility of the editor, who must justify his opinion, if necessary, before the committee. publisher and the publishing institution."

  • Send the articles according to the mentioned guidelines.
  • Be responsible for the ideas expressed in the article, as well as for its ethical suitability.
  • Have authorization to use, reproduce and print material that is not your property and/or authorship, such as works of art (paintings, photographs, drawings, etc.).
  • Accept the evaluation of the article by external peers, as well as accept the recommendations of both the evaluators and the editorial team.
  • Accept that it is the responsibility of the Editorial Team to publish an article and the issue in which it is published, as well as to make minor style corrections to the document before publication.
  • Accept and sign (if the article is accepted for publication) authorization to use the article for editing, publication and dissemination by the means the magazine deems appropriate.
  • Ensure the relevance and originality of the article by using Turnitin anti-plagiarism software. This review is performed prior to peer review in order to ensure the quality and consistency of the article.
  • Define, after receiving the article, its acceptance or rejection to begin the publication process.
  • Ensure the evaluation of the article by qualified personnel within the established time limits.
  • Communicate to the author about the observations received and indicate the necessary adjustments.
  • Ensure the scientific quality of the content, the correct use of language and the presentation and design of the article for publication.
  • Keep the author informed about the status of their article. Ensure compliance with all guidelines, procedures and ethical considerations of the publication.
  • Ensure compliance with time and quality in the various phases of the editorial process.
  • Keep updated files of the editorial process of each of the articles with their respective supports.
  • Respond moderately to requests, complaints and claims from authors and other members of the academic community.
  • Evaluate the document following the editor's instructions and adjusting to the format presented.
  • Provide sufficient detail to allow the editor to make an informed decision and the author to make appropriate adjustments to the document.
  • Carry out your work within the scheduled times.
  • Present your evaluation in an objective language, focused on the text, in such a way that it contributes to the professional growth of the researcher.
  • Comply with the ethical considerations assumed by the publication.

The authors retain the rights over the publication and authorize the reproduction of the article to the journal, under the use License hosted by Perspectivas.

In coherence with the Open and Citizen Science Policy declared by UNIMINUTO, the funding entity. Perspectivas journal since its inception promotes open access in its dissemination practices and without cost of scientific and academic articles published by the journal, which allows reading, downloading and printing for free, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

In this regard, both authors and readers should be aware that as of 2019 the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This means that anyone can share and distribute the published material under any format. Also, adapt, combine, mix or transform it for any purpose, even commercial. All of the above is permitted, as long as proper credit is given to the original publication and changes are indicated.

  • All published articles are freely accessible through the website:
  • All interested readers can register on the website:, by doing so they will be notified every time an issue is published and will receive the table of contents by email.
  • The galleys of the articles (PDF) are stored in the Institutional Repository of the Minuto de Dios University - UNIMINUTO.
  • Authors are invited to store copies of the published article in their respective institutional repositories or personal websites, with the aim of expanding the dissemination of the new knowledge generated. It is requested that it be the version edited and published by the Magazine.

Once the editorial process is completed, all articles will be immediately and permanently online, available to the public, both for reading and downloading..

Perspectives Magazine is an "open access" scientific journal that accepts the diamond route, this means that it does not imply financial charges for authors or readers in any of the phases of the editorial process since both publication and access to the articles are carried out for free. In that sense, the costs for the processing, handling and publication of the articles are assumed entirely by the Minuto de Dios University Corporation – UNIMINUTO.

Producing and disseminating scientific journals, duly refereed, requires compliance with high ethical standards by all parties involved in the publication process: the publishing institution, the editor, the peer reviewers, and the author.

Ensure the quality and integrity of the editorial process.

  • Maintain complete and intact files and databases for all products and publishing processes.
  • Encourage the adoption of best practices throughout the editorial process.
  • Ensure that editors, authors and reviewers follow all established procedures and are ethically guided in all their decisions.
  • Be aware of advances in the publishing industry in order to introduce new practices that contribute to the better performance of magazines.
  • Ensure the quality and integrity of the editorial process. Maintain complete and intact files and databases of all publication products and processes.

Protect editorial autonomy

  • The editorial process adheres to strictly academic criteria and will not be hindered by advertising motivations, influence peddling or ideological biases.

Promotion of good editorial practices

  • In addition to subscribing the journal to COPE, editors have plagiarism detection tools, affiliations and courses aimed at strengthening the suitability of their work.

Publication Integrity

  • The editor is directly responsible for deciding which articles are published and which are not. This decision must be made in coordination with the institutional policy, the editorial committee and with the authority delegated by the institution to support the process. The editor must guarantee that the published articles respect copyright, do not commit plagiarism or slander, and that the information they present can be validated by readers.

Article evaluation

  • Ensures that the evaluation process is fair, impartial and is carried out within a reasonable time frame. Research articles are evaluated by at least two external and independent peers and, if necessary, the editor will consult other opinions.


  • The editor ensures that articles are evaluated for their strictly academic content without considerations of race, gender, religious beliefs, political inclinations or other types of criteria. The transparency of the process must be guaranteed at all times and to this end all official communication must be archived and followed within the platform.
  • It is the editor's task to adequately inform reviewers about their duties, fair and considerate treatment of authors, and rigor with respect to the treatment of the discipline.
  • The editor establishes appeal mechanisms regarding decisions made by peers or those made directly by him.

Fair metrics

  • The editor will under no circumstances try to artificially alter or influence the different measurement or citation mechanisms, nor will he ask authors to include references for reasons other than academic ones.


  • Manuscripts submitted for review must be handled with strict confidentiality, as well as the data and identities of the authors and evaluators. The editor will under no circumstances use materials from unpublished manuscripts without prior consent of the authors, nor will he use his functions for personal advantage or gain.

Conflict of Interest Policy

In case of controversies, Perspectivas Journal is committed to resolve them through its Editorial Board and will take measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles with research misconduct. The journal will not promote or knowingly permit such misconduct. Both the authors of a manuscript and the receiving Perspectives editors and reviewers (internal and external) must declare any conflict of interest that may influence the review and approval of the manuscript. If authors have a conflict of interest, they should inform the journal. Similarly, reviewers should excuse themselves if they have a conflict of interest with the authors or the subject of the manuscript. This ensures that Perspectivas selects reviewers without conflicts of interest, in order to certify an impartial review.

Article quality

  • The peer reviewer supports both the editor and the author. On the one hand, it provides the editor with sufficient arguments to make an informed decision. And, on the other hand, he collaborates with his observations so that the author substantially improves his text. Both the document and the person of the author must be treated with excessive care and delicacy. The magazine aspires to have rigorous texts, but also contribute constructively to the training of researchers.
  • If the evaluator feels disqualified from evaluating the topic under consideration, he or she must immediately notify the editor. All parties are aware that the “time” factor is of special importance in the editorial process, so it is understood that the evaluator will prioritize his task as quickly and seriously as possible, even though he has a maximum time 30-day evaluation period, it is desirable that said work be reasonably completed within a shorter time.


  • All manuscripts must be treated with absolute discretion. The evaluator will refrain from sharing the information provided, such as the judgments or suggestions made by him, with other people, as well as from contacting the author directly.
  • No evaluator is authorized to use material not yet published, either in their own research or in their own documents without the written authorization of the author. Nor will he take personal advantage of the information that has been provided to him..

Scientific integrity

  • The evaluator must be aware of his own biases and academic inclinations and will try to ensure that these do not interfere with his evaluation of the text. Every observation must be supported with evidence and reasonable arguments. It will also avoid making judgments directed at the person of the author.


  • The evaluator must be aware of his own biases and academic inclinations and will try to ensure that these do not interfere with his evaluation of the text. Every observation must be supported with evidence and reasonable arguments. It will also avoid making judgments directed at the person of the author.
  • If the evaluator considers including certain quotes, these must be for strictly scientific reasons. If these quotes refer to the evaluator's texts, this should be considered a conflict of interest.

Conflict of interests

  • The evaluator must consult the editor if he perceives any type of conflict of interest. This will mean ties of friendship, family, business, competition, rivalry or subordination relationships. Likewise, you will refrain from using information for your own personal advantage.

Originality and source recognition

  • During the evaluation process of the articles, it will be required that the content of the manuscripts be original. Manuscripts that have already been published, are in the process of publication or evaluation in other journals, or other printed or electronic media will not be accepted under any circumstances. Neither will previously published data be accepted, unless new analyses are presented that employ different techniques, new perspectives, or that are combined with unpublished data. In case of using materials, texts, works or ideas of others, these must be rigorously referenced. It is the moral duty of the author to recognize who has influenced his/her ideas. Quoting or paraphrasing extensively from other sources is considered plagiarism and, therefore, is an unacceptable practice.

Data management

  • The author must have the data that supports his publication and undertakes to provide more information if necessary, for a reasonable period of 4 years. Data manipulation and false information are considered reprehensible behavior.


  • The articles resulting from research must give an exact account of the work carried out and explain the relevance of its results. The text must provide sufficient information regarding the materials used, processes and methodologies, this will allow other researchers to replicate the exercise and validate the results.

Multiple versions

  • The author should not simultaneously submit his manuscript to different journals or publish multiple versions of the same research in them. Previous admissible publications are: abstracts, theses or partial class notes. Such publications must be declared in advance, failure to provide this type of information is assumed to be an attempt at deception.


  • The author is recognized as the person who writes and gives the constitutive form to the text, as well as anyone who collaborates in an essential way in the conception, design, execution and interpretation of the research or problem addressed. Other people who participated in the editorial process or collaborated in an aspect of the research deserve tribute from the author in the “acknowledgments” section.
  • In the application of the text it must be made very clear who claims its authorship, any modification in this regard must be duly supported and approved by all the authors, leaving the final decision at the discretion of the editor.

Consent and informed assent

  • In the event that the research has required approvals from an ethics committee or a request for consent or informed assent, either because it uses animals or because it involves human beings, this must be explicitly declared. All sensitive use of data must comply with current legislation in Colombia on data management. Regarding the use of images, proper consent must be provided to allow their use and publication.

Conflict of interests

  • It is the author's duty to reveal any type of link with companies, financial entities, civil, political or public organizations that may benefit from their results. Likewise, the entities that financed the project, contractual relationships, shareholdings if any or any other aspect that could be interpreted as bias or influence must be declared.

""The Minuto de Dios University Corporation - UNIMINUTO subscribes to the principles of the “Committe on Publication Ethics”

The Minuto de Dios University Corporation – UNIMINUTO (hereinafter UNIMINUTO) declares that it protects the personal data provided by students, aspiring teachers, professors, administrative staff, suppliers and donors under the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 of the Republic of Colombia, and informs them that the personal data will be used in the terms given in the authorization by the owner of the data. Said treatment may be carried out directly by UNIMINUTO or by the third party it determines. The personal data provided by you as the owner of personal data are collected by the Minuto de Dios University Corporation - UNIMINUTO for the provision of higher education services, as well as for the execution of the Corporation's own activities, in accordance with the purpose of the database in which your Personal Data rests. UNIMINUTO informs the owner of the personal data that he or she has the following rights:

  • Know, update and rectify your personal data against UNIMINUTO as responsible or in charge or against any person in charge of data processing.
  • Request proof of the authorization granted.
  • Be informed by UNIMINUTO of the use that has been made of your personal data.
  • Raise any request, petition, complaint or claim regarding the processing of personal data.
  • Present complaints, requests and claims to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.
  • Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data from the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce when the processing does not respect constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees.
  • Access your personal data for free.

Perspectivas Journal uses the Turnitin tool for the detection of possible citation errors and similarities, which is carried out in the first stage of the edition prior to sending the manuscripts to peer review. This task falls to the Responsible Editor. If a similarity of more than 20% is found, the author will be notified to resolve the situation; if the author does not respond to the notification, the article will be rejected for publication. In the case of greater similarity, the proposal will be immediately rejected.

The journal ensures respect for copyright, by assuming the Intellectual Property Regulations of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO.