Exploration of academic performance and evaluation of the Saber 11 tests using multivariate statistical techniques (TEM)

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Ivan Andres Giraldo Salguero
Raúl Alberto Pérez Agamez, Ph. D.


The success of a school is largely reflected in its academic level, which can be evaluated through the performance of students in the subjects they take throughout their educational career, as well as in the results obtained in external tests such as the 11th Knowledge Tests. These evaluations are carried out by all 11th grade students in Colombia under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education (MEN). The results of these tests give schools a national ranking, which represents a crucial element for new families to choose an educational institution as an academic model for their children. Although various studies on academic results have been carried out in Colombia, there is a small amount of research that focuses on how the specific academic results of an institution influence compared to the results of the Saber 11° Tests. For this reason, this analysis seeks to identify elements that demonstrate whether an institution’s academic plans are effectively improving the results obtained in the Saber 11° Tests. In order to achieve this objective, Multivariate Statistical Techniques (TEM) will be used to build statistical instruments that allow comparing the results of the Saber 11° Tests with academic results. It will be analyzed through TEM whether or not the internal academic processes of a school enhance the results of the Saber 11th Tests. A comparison will be carried out between the years 2019 and 2021 of the academic results and the Saber 11° Tests using TEM. Finally, an input will be generated from TEM that allows the institution to be evaluated year by year, according to its institutional academic projections. In this study, a database that includes information from 1428 families from a school in Medellín was evaluated. The collected data were analyzed using TEM.


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