Importance of occupational medical evaluations in occupational health: A bibliometric analysis and rapid literature review

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Francisco Palencia-Sánchez
Santiago Mendoza
Esteban Manrique Sanchez
Juan Andres Navas
Martha Isabel Riaño-Casallas


Occupational Medical Evaluations (OMEs) are defined as examinations that determine the physical and mental health conditions of a worker prior to recruitment, during their tenure with the organisation or after termination of employment. The purpose of this research is to recognize the importance and validity of OMEs in identifying alterations in organ or mental function that may affect job performance. OMEs are a central part of health surveillance programmes for workers in the framework of occupational safety and health management systems. In addition, the standardization of these assessments was explored and their importance for both workers and companies in terms of follow-up and health promotion and prevention strategies was evaluated. Taking into account the aforementioned objective, the justification for this research is based on the scarcity of studies highlighting the importance in occupational health associated with these examinations. To address this problem, a bibliometric analysis and a quick review of the literature was carried out, in which it was found that the importance of OMEs in occupational performance is not recognized.


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