Socio-affective factors and family bonding in childhood: a study in Cundinamarca

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Ginna Katherine Ortiz
Diana Milena Espinosa Molina
Diana Carolina Merchán Morales


In this study, it was possible to identify the socio-affective factors that affect the construction of the self in childhood and family functionality, in the municipalities of Soacha and San Antonio de Tequendama in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, during the year 2023, from a psychodynamic. The methodology used was quantitative in nature, with a descriptive scope, where the Family Functioning Test instrument (FFSIL) was applied. The sample was made up of 146 fathers, mothers and caregivers, selected by simple random probabilistic sampling, there were 4 different scenarios such as the Share Educational Institution, with a sample of 39 people, the community of the Ciudad Verde neighborhood, with 40 people, the Luis Carlos Galán municipal stadium with the Motor Exploration program of the IMRDS (Municipal Institution for Recreation and Sports of Soacha) with 20 people from the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca and the Mariano Santamaría Departmental Educational Institution of the municipality of San Antonio de Tequendama, with 47 people. The results allowed identifying family functionality through cohesion, harmony, communication, permeability, affectivity, roles, adaptability, stages of psychosocial development, parenting patterns and family communication in childhood, demonstrating an impact on the affective dimension.


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